Level Up
Designed based on spiritual principles to guide and empower each woman to become the very best version of herself.
Level Up will provide through a variety platforms (individual coaching, small group sessions, webinars, etc.) supports to help young women:
- Adapt to life changes
- Gain confidence in every area of her life
- Balance responsibilities
- Have healthier relationships
- Discover her productive purpose in Christ
If you are a young lady that has been searching for support in achieving your goals and could benefit from "Level Up" I invite you to complete the interest form on this page.
I would love to Level Up with you by challenging you to break out of your comfort zones and expand your thinking. I would love to connect with you and help you reflect, shift and then move forward.
“Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.” – Acts 13:36
Level Up Interest Form
In Loving Memory of Mrs. Isaisetta Cooper-Whitted – February 22, 1964- February 13, 2003